The Corporation has an internal control program based on the 2013 Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) framework, which requires periodic reviews of key controls over financial reporting. This program continues to evolve towards industry best practices, with an aim to maintain and strengthen policies and procedures that ensure the reliability of financial information and the safeguarding of assets.
A dedicated internal control team reviews and evaluates key internal controls over financial reporting on an ongoing basis. This program is supported by the Corporation's internal auditors, who conduct audits and reviews (some of which relate to financial reporting and operations) identified using a risk-based approach and agreed upon through discussions with the Corporation and its Audit Committee.
In 2016-2017, the Corporation assessed the design and operating effectiveness of key internal controls over financial reporting. The assessment did not identify any material weaknesses in the operating effectiveness of the internal controls, but identified some opportunities for improvements for which management has developed an action plan, many elements of which have already been implemented. The Corporation will continue to address opportunities for improvement in the coming year.

Multiplatform documentary Ce que nous sommes, from Philippe Fehmiu, released on ICI RADIO-CANADA TÉLÉ, ICI ARTV and Première PLUS.