Accountability Plan
Additional Reporting
We continue to report to Parliament and Canadians through our Corporate Plan and Annual Report; to the CRTC through regulatory filings and licence renewals; and to Canadians through proactive disclosure of expenses and salaries and Access to Information, as well as over 17 reports and reviews on our website, including examinations by the Auditor General of Canada.
This is how CBC/Radio-Canada demonstrates to Canadians that it is managing its resources effectively and delivering what it has promised. The Government of Canada's additional funding will provide the public broadcaster with the means to better face current and future challenges and pursue its own transformation to a new media environment. This reinvestment in CBC/Radio-Canada is all about creating more of the content that Canadians want and ensuring it is easy to find, on platforms that are reliable, robust and intuitive. We look forward to sharing our progress with Canadians in the years ahead.

Drama Les Simone on ICI RADIO-CANADA TÉLÉ.