Message from The President and CEO

It’s been a remarkable year for CBC/Radio-Canada, and for Canadians. In every corner of the country, we celebrated a 150th anniversary. 87% of Canadians, 31 million people, cheered on Team Canada in the Olympic and Paralympic Games. And, again this year, we learned, we laughed and we grieved together, in response to events here at home and around the world.
Today we discover and share through our phones. We experience important stories like the reality of Indigenous Canadians through podcasts and Virtual Reality. We binge watch the best programs from around the world. We share moments and ideas, no matter where we live. That’s Canada today, and that’s your public broadcaster.
In the 10 years I have been President and CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada, the way Canadians interact with their public broadcaster has grown stronger.
While all media have struggled to adapt to this digital world, in many ways CBC/Radio-Canada has been fortunate. With the continued support of Canadians, and with a clear strategy to become more digital, more local, and more Canadian, we have transformed our services and increased our value. The results are clear. This year we doubled our digital reach, two and a half years ahead of schedule. More than 18 million Canadians now use our digital sites each month. We have never been as watched, listened to and read as we are today.
We know that this transformation will never cease, but I believe CBC/Radio-Canada is ready for the future. We are more connected to our audiences. We are partnering with young Canadian creators to discover new ways to bring stories to people. In 2020, the Maison de Radio-Canada will showcase what 21st century public broadcasting has become: digital, multiplatform, and a creative hub for digital and artistic communities. A place for Canadians.
Today we have a new Chair, Michael Goldbloom, and new members of our Board who will assist CBC/Radio-Canada in the next stage of our transformation. I am grateful to our outgoing Chair, Rémi Racine, and his Board for their guidance and their strong support of public broadcasting.
And I am thrilled to welcome Catherine Tait, our new President and CEO, who will be assuming her duties in July. With her experience, and her commitment to Canadian culture, I know that CBC/Radio-Canada is in good hands. I wish her all the best!
This is my last Annual Report to you as President and CEO. It highlights a successful year in our transformation. It has been an incredible experience to lead your public broadcaster through this remarkable time. I have met some remarkably talented Canadians. With their creativity and energy, and your support, I look forward to seeing what they create.

Hubert T. Lacroix
President and Ceo