Strategic Indicators
How does French Services fulfill the Corporation's mandate under the Act?*
Radio-Canada's French-language radio and television programming is…

Metric Definition: Average score refers to the average of the scores given by all respondents on a 10-point scale.
Differences between 2014-2015 and 2013-2014 results are statistically significant if equal to or greater than 0.2 points.
They are presented as follows: Decrease (-) / Stable / Increase (+)
How does French Services’ programming fare against delivering high quality and distinctive Canadian content?*
Radio-Canada’s programming1…
Original, Innovative, Quality Canadian Content

Metric Definition: Weighted averages of the perception scores obtained by each individual service on a 10-point scale.
1Programming and content offered on any of our services, i.e., ICI Radio-Canada Télé, ICI RDI, ICI ARTV,
ICI Radio-Canada Première, ICI Musique, ICI and ICI
Differences between 2014-2015 and 2013-2014 results are statistically significant if equal to or greater than 0.2 points.
They are presented as follows: Decrease (-) / Stable / Increase (+)
Management's Comments
Francophones continue to respond positively to initiatives French Services has announced and/or introduced.
Both indicators measuring the "original, innovative and quality" aspects of Radio-Canada's programming rose compared to 2013-2014. The distinctiveness indicator increased by 0.3 points (from 7.6 to 7.9), while the quality indicator gained 0.2 points to reach a high score of 8.4.
How does French Services’ programming fare against reflecting and drawing Canadians together?*
Radio-Canada’s programming1...
Reflects and Draws Canadians together

Metric Definition: Weighted averages of the perception scores obtained by each individual service on a 10-point scale.
1Programming and content offered on any of our services, i.e., ICI Radio-Canada Télé, ICI RDI, ICI ARTV,
ICI Radio-Canada Première, ICI Musique, ICI and ICI
Differences between 2014-2015 and 2013-2014 results are statistically significant if equal to or greater than 0.2 points.
They are presented as follows: Decrease (-) / Stable / Increase (+)
Management's Comments
Compared to 2013-2014, Francophones gave significantly higher scores to the four dimensions measuring Radio-Canada's ability to reflect and draw Canadians together (+0.3 points).
Does French Services’ information programming reflect a diversity of opinions and cover major issues in a fair and balanced way?*
Radio-Canada’s information programming1...

Metric Definition: Average score refers to the average of the scores given by all respondents on a 10-point scale.
1Radio, television or online information programming and content.
Differences between 2014-2015 and 2013-2014 results are statistically significant if equal to or greater than 0.2 points.
They are presented as follows: Decrease (-) / Stable / Increase (+)
Management's Comments
Information Programming produced by French Services continues to be perceived favourably.
Compared to 2013-2014, the average score of the information programming's ability to "reflect a diversity of opinions on a wide range of issues" and "cover major issues in a fair and balanced way" gained 0.3 points and 0.2 points respectively, both reaching a high score of 8.0.
Starting in November 2012, we began measuring the extent to which our information programming reflects a diversity of opinions and covers major issues in a fair and balanced way.
- *Source: TNS Canadian Facts (1,200 Anglophones per survey). Telephone surveys conducted in November and March of each year.
Management's Comments
More Francophones now believe that CBC/Radio-Canada's French Services is fulfilling the Corporation's mandate under the 1991 Broadcasting Act.
Compared to 2013-2014, each dimension measuring how well French Services performed in the delivery of the Corporation's mandate showed significant improvement (0.2 points and more). Radio-Canada's high scores of over 8 points confirm that Francophones support the Corporation.
Also of note, these are the best results Radio-Canada has achieved since 2010-2011.