Financial Reporting

Financial Statements

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

(in thousand of Canadian dollars) NOTE For the year ended March 31
2015 2014
(Revised - NOTE 3B)
Net results for the year (47,391) (17,953)
Adjustments for:
(Gain) loss on disposal of property and equipment and intangibles  10, 11 (5,122) 4,004
Gain on sale of shares  13 (33,548) -
Financing income (10,834) (8,759)
Finance costs  21 30,574 30,870
Change in fair value of financial instruments designated as at fair
value through profit and loss 
25 412 (52)
Depreciation of property and equipment  10 110,650 114,443
Amortization of intangible assets  11 6,499 8,560
Depreciation of assets under finance leases  12 8,049 8,384
Share of results in associate  13 (15,083) (4,440)
Dilution gain  13 - (1,040)
Change in deferred charges (7,220) (7,246)
Change in programming asset [long-term]  7 (126,362) (5,246)
Change in programming liability [long-term]  7 32,485 -
Amortization of deferred capital funding  22 (102,812) (111,280)
Change in deferred revenues [long-term] 19,391 822
Change in pension plan asset 16 (164,700) (25,642)
Change in pension plans and employee-related liabilities [current]  16 (4,727) 2,542
Change in pension plans and employee-related liabilities [long-term]  16 210,489 84,419
Acquisition of non-controlling interests 13 41 -
Accretion of promissory notes receivable  8 (20) (19)
Movements in working capital  24 215,690 (47,949)
116,461 24,418
Repayment of obligations under finance leases  18 (14,505) (11,024)
Repayment of bonds  17 (12,409) (11,525)
Repayment of notes  19 (6,209) (5,928)
Distributions to non-controlling interests  13 (175) (226)
Interest paid (28,467) (30,203)
(61,765) (58,906)
Parliamentary appropriations for capital funding 22 104,740 103,856
Additions to property and equipment  10 (68,263) (70,206)
Additions to intangible assets 11 (10,247) (12,536)
Investment in subsidiary 13 (1,875) -
Proceeds from disposal of property and equipment 10 9,642 3,439
Proceeds from disposal of shares 13 33,548 -
Collection of promissory notes receivable 8 2,280 2,126
Collection of finance leases receivable  9 2,417 2,253
Dividends received  13 16,938 7,098
Interest received 9,034 8,973
98,214 45,003
Change in cash 152,910 10,515
Cash, beginning of the year 61,974 51,459
Cash, end of the year 214,884 61,974
The accompanying notes form an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.