Strategic Indicators
How does English Services fulfill the Corporation's mandate under the Act?*
CBC's English-language radio and television programming is…

Metric Definition: Average score refers to the average of the scores given by all respondents on a 10-point scale.
Differences between 2014-2015 and 2013-2014 results are statistically significant if equal to or greater than 0.2 points.
They are presented as follows: Decrease (-) / Stable / Increase (+)
How does English Services' programming fare against delivering high-quality and distinctive Canadian content?*
CBC's programming1…
Original, Innovative, Quality Canadian Content

Metric Definition: Weighted averages of the perception scores obtained by each individual service on a 10-point scale.
1Programming and content offered on any of our services, i.e., CBC Television, CBC News Network, bold (2010-2011 and 2011-2012 only), documentary, CBC Radio One, CBC Radio 2 and
Differences between 2014-2015 and 2013-2014 results are statistically significant if equal to or greater than 0.2 points.
They are presented as follows: Decrease (-) / Stable / Increase (+)
Management's Comments
English Services has maintained its positive perception among Anglophones for offering programming that is both of high quality and different from that offered by others.
As in the past, English Services' programming and content continues to receive its highest score for being of "High Quality" (8.1).
How does English Services’ programming fare against reflecting and drawing Canadians together?*
CBC's programming1…
Reflects and Draws Canadians together

Metric Definition: Weighted averages of the perception scores obtained by each individual service on a 10-point scale.
1Programming and content offered on any of our services, i.e., CBC Television, CBC News Network, bold (2010-2011 and 2011-2012 only), documentary, CBC Radio One, CBC Radio 2 and
Differences between 2014-2015 and 2013-2014 results are statistically significant if equal to or greater than 0.2 points.
They are presented as follows: Decrease (-) / Stable / Increase (+)
Management's Comments
Anglophones continue to agree that English Services' programming "Reflects and Draws Canadians Together" with all results from 2013-2014 being maintained in 2014-2015.
Overall, English Services continues to receive the highest scores for its programming's ability to "Reflect Regions of Canada" (8.0) and "Reflect Diversity" (7.5).
Does English Services' information programming reflect a diversity of opinions and cover major issues in a fair and balanced way?*
CBC's information programming1...

Metric Definition: Average score refers to the average of the scores given by all respondents on a 10-point scale.
1Radio, television or online information programming and content.
Differences between 2014-2015 and 2013-2014 results are statistically significant if equal to or greater than 0.2 points.
They are presented as follows: Decrease (-) / Stable / Increase (+)
Management's Comments
Anglophones' positive perception towards English Services' Information Programming has been maintained compared to the previous year.
English Services' Information Programming consistently receives high scores for "Covering major issues in a fair and balanced way" (7.4) and "Reflecting a diversity of opinions on a wide range of issues" (7.3).
- *Source: TNS Canadian Facts (1,200 Anglophones per survey). Telephone surveys conducted in November and March of each year.
Management's Comments
Anglophones continue to agree that CBC/Radio-Canada's English Services is meeting the Corporation's mandate under the 1991 Broadcasting Act.
Compared to 2013-2014, all of the average perception scores measuring English Services' performance under its mandate remained stable.
Since 2010-2011, Anglophones consistently hold the highest perception of English Services' radio and television programming for being "Available on New Platforms" (8.1) and "Informative" (7.8).